Secretive Mystery Schools - An ancient, moss-covered stone doorway, partially hidden by ivy and shrouded in mist. A faint, ethereal light emanates from within, hinting at hidden knowledge.

Secretive Mystery schools, ancient centers of esoteric knowledge, have always been veiled in total opaqueness. But was this inclination for discretion a direct consequence of alien spiritual dominance (established around 1300 CE, as suggested by the etheric research)? This essay explores this intriguing possibility. It takes into account the uneven spread of alien influence, with Europe purportedly under a tighter grip than other continents.

Guardians of Knowledge in a Time of Peril

The etheric research depict a Europe under siege in the 14th century – not by armies, but by a force far more insidious: alien entities who manipulated the spiritual realm to orchestrate calamities like the Great Famine and the Black Death. According to the etheric research, Aliens designed these events to break human spirits and secure their allegiance to these unseen overlords. Secretive Mystery Schools were repositories of ancient wisdom and spiritual practices. Consequently in the context above, alien power-hungry beings viewed these as threats.

Secretive Mystery Schools: The Need for Discretion

The etheric research highlight the aliens’ tactic of infiltrating existing power structures, particularly the Catholic Church. They allegedly manipulated religious doctrines, promoting fear and blind obedience, and persecuted those who resisted their influence. In this environment, Secretive Mystery Schools, with their emphasis on personal spiritual development and esoteric knowledge, would have been prime targets. Secrecy became a crucial defense mechanism. Thus, this safeguarded their teachings from being corrupted or eradicated.

Varying Levels of Alien Influence

The etheric research focus primarily on Europe as the epicenter of alien spiritual dominance. This raises the question: did Secretive Mystery Schools in other parts of the world – Asia, Africa, the Americas – face similar pressures? If, as the etheric research imply, alien influence was less pervasive in these regions, these schools may have operated with greater openness, their teachings less threatened. Consequently, this contrast could explain the varying degrees of secrecy observed in different mystery traditions globally.

Secretive Mystery Schools: Preserving Knowledge for Future Generations

If Secretive Mystery Schools were indeed aware of the alien agenda unfolding around them, their secrecy takes on an added layer of significance. It becomes an act of preservation. A way to safeguard spiritual knowledge for future generations who might be free from alien control. This commitment to safeguarding wisdom, even in the face of existential threats, speaks to the enduring power of these ancient traditions.

Secretive Mystery Schools: Summary

The etheric research propose that alien forces gained spiritual dominance in Europe around 1300 CE. Moreover, used calamities and manipulation to subdue humanity. In this context, Mystery Schools, with their esoteric knowledge and emphasis on spiritual autonomy, would have been targeted. Secrecy, therefore, became a survival tactic, a way to preserve ancient wisdom from corruption or destruction. However, the etheric research suggest that alien influence varied globally. Potentially allowing for greater openness in mystery schools outside of Europe.

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By Octavian Marin

Sunt Consilier Dezvoltare Personala cu abordare holistica, cu Initieri si experienta practica vasta in : • Sistem Zeitati Tibetane : conexiuni spirituale cu entitati foarte inalte, cultivând comuniunea și favorizand echilibrul interior • Sistemul Esoteric Nordic: manifestari special croite pe baza de Rune • Reiki: capacitatea naturală de vindecare, eliberând blocajele energetice și promovând bunăstarea generală