Aliens-Initial-Attempt, A medieval scene depicting a desolate landscape with starving people, a dark, ominous sky, and a ghostly figure hovering above, symbolizing the alien influence during the Great Famine

The Great Famine of 1315-1317 was more than just a natural disaster. It was a strategic move by an alien force to manipulate and control humanity. The aliens, existing on a spiritual level, exploited the physical realm to cause widespread suffering and drive humans to desperation. This Aliens’ Initial Attempt to gain allegiance was met with varying responses, shaping the course of human history.

Spiritual Perception

Etheric research highlights the spiritual significance of the famine. It suggests, that it was perceived on a spiritual level, as a profound test of faith and resilience. Aliens exist as spiritual beings and manipulate the physical world indirectly. They saw this crisis as an opportunity to exploit human vulnerability. 

The Alien Strategy: A Faustian Bargain

The aliens’ strategy, as depicted in the sources, was to drive humanity to the brink of despair. Moreover, survival instincts would overshadow spiritual integrity. They achieved this by influencing the physical realm, causing prolonged rains and cool temperatures that led to crop failures.  As starvation, disease, and death spread, the aliens presented a Faustian bargain: swear allegiance to them in exchange for survival. This allegiance, however, went beyond a simple pledge. In fact, it was a spiritual binding, a surrender of the spirit’s autonomy to the alien overlords. In this Aliens’ Initial Attempt to bind humanity to their will, people shown varying degrees of acceptance.

The Church’s Complicity in Aliens’ Initial Attempt

Adding another layer of complexity, etheric research suggest that the Catholic Church, a powerful institution at that time, was complicit in this spiritual manipulation and played a crucial role in this Aliens’ Initial Attempt.  By this point, the aliens had infiltrated the Church hierarchy, binding its leaders to their will through spiritual rituals. Consequently, this control allowed them to manipulate religious doctrines. These promoted fear-based teachings that emphasized obedience and discouraged questioning, further weakening human spiritual resistance.

The Lasting Impact of Aliens’ Initial Attempt

Those who succumbed to the aliens’ offer may have found temporary relief from the famine. But, at a steep price – their spiritual freedom. They became instruments of the alien agenda, unknowingly spreading their influence and further solidifying their control over humanity. This Aliens’ Initial Attempt marked a turning point in the spiritual evolution of humanity. Consequently, it was a setback orchestrated by an insidious force that exploited a period of profound vulnerability. 

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By Bogdan Octavian Gnosa

Consilier Dezvoltare Personala cu abordare holistica, cu Initieri si experienta practica vasta in : • Sistem Zeitati Tibetane : conexiuni spirituale cu Entitati foarte inalte, cultivând comuniunea și favorizand Echilibrul interior • Sistemul Esoteric Nordic: manifestari special croite pe baza de Rune • Reiki: capacitatea naturală de Vindecare, eliberând blocajele Energetice și promovând Bunăstarea generală In cautarea excelentei în toate domeniile Existentei