Unfailing Magic
Unfailing Magic – Overcome Obstacles and Thrive
Tools for Reaching Your Individual Potential
Gnosa symbol is a representation of both spiritual enlightenment and a state of Unity with the Divine.
Unfailing Magic is a broad term, that encompasses a variety of practices and techniques used to channel Energy and achieve specific goals or influence Reality.
Gnosa symbol and Unfailing Magic share themes, such as personal transformation, accessing reality beyond, and manifesting intentions.
Both are valuable tools for those who wish to explore the mysteries of the Creation and reach their entire potential. These enable perceiving the world beyond ordinary senses.
How Gnosa Symbol is formed highlights the Trinity, so frequently used in Unfailing Magic.
This mysterious Trinity is found in every Living Being:
- Knowledge (Central Sun)
- Living Intention (Petals of the Seed of Life)
- Power (Stable Triangle)
Let me Assist in Your Unfailing Magic Practice and Accelerate Your Own Individual Evolution
I enable the activation of Protections, overcoming obstacles, identifying and leveraging opportunities related to healthy living, cash flow or household aspects.
Based on my experience I may guide with empathy and professionalism, adapting the approach to the needs, aspirations, and individual pace of each person.
Familiarize yourself with my experience by reading the essays written based on my own happenings in regards to ethereal communication, manifestation or healing.
About Me
Personal Development Counselor well versed in Unfailing Magic and with Initiations and Extensive Practical Experience with:
Tibetan Deities System: Spiritual Connections with very Evolved Entities, cultivating Union and developing Inner Balance
Nordic Esoteric System: Manifestation with individual Runes or combinations, specially chosen for the pursued Aspirations
Reiki: the natural healing Capability, releasing Energy blockages and promoting overall Well-Being
Create a more harmonious life
Do you want to get along Better with Your Circle of People in Your Life and Masterfully Guide the Flow of Happenings in the most Favorable Way for Everyone Involved ?
Practice Unfailing Magic with a Master’s assistance