The Ikigai Triumvirate framework, combining Ikigai with the Triumvirate of Progress, helps individuals achieve balance between Will, Knowledge, and Power, leading them towards a fulfilling life aligned with their passions and contributions to society.
Unlocking Purpose and Progress
The concept of Ikigai, originating from Japan, emphasizes finding one’s reason for being – that sweet spot where passion, mission, vocation, and profession intersect. Similarly, the Triumvirate of Progress, composed of Will, Knowledge, and Power, presents a framework for understanding individual and collective advancement. Exploring the relationship between the Ikigai Triumvirate reveals shared principles that contribute to a fulfilling and impactful life.
The Ikigai Triumvirate and the Intersection of Aspirations
Both Ikigai and the Trinity of Progress highlight the importance of aligning individual aspirations with broader objectives. The Ikigai diagram often depicts overlapping circles representing passion, mission, vocation, and profession. The point where these circles converge represents an individual’s Ikigai. Similarly, the Triumvirate of Progress suggests that aspirations reside at the intersection of Will, Knowledge, and Power.
Common aspirations, like survival and procreation, are shared universally and form the bedrock of existence. However, individual aspirations, unique to each person, play a crucial role in shaping personal journeys. Within the framework of the Ikigai Triumvirate, these individual aspirations are guided and balanced by the interplay of Will, Knowledge, and Power, ensuring they harmonise with collective goals.
Will as the Guiding Force in the Ikigai Triumvirate
Will acts as a driving force in both ikigai and the Triumvirate of Progress. In the pursuit of ikigai, it is the individual’s will that propels them to explore their passions, refine their skills, and contribute meaningfully to the world. Similarly, within the Triumvirate, Will plays a pivotal role in facilitating consultations and prioritising actions. While Power might often take precedence, Will ensures that the pursuit of individual goals aligns with the broader objectives of Knowledge and Power, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling existence.
Balancing Power, Knowledge, and Will for Harmonious Progress
A key principle shared by Ikigai and the Triumvirate of Progress is the emphasis on balance. For an individual to truly realise their Ikigai, they need to find equilibrium between their passion, mission, vocation, and profession. One element cannot overshadow the others. Similarly, the Triumvirate of Progress underscores the need for balance between Will, Knowledge, and Power.
The sources offer an example: An individual driven by a strong desire for Power might seek dominance and control. However, Will intervenes, ensuring that Power is channeled towards the benefit of the collective rather than personal gain. This resonates with the Ikigai principle of contributing to something larger than oneself.
The Ikigai Triumvirate: A Framework for Purposeful Living
By understanding the interplay of Will, Knowledge, and Power within the context of ikigai, individuals can unlock their potential and live more purposeful lives. The Ikigai Triumvirate encourages a balanced approach to personal and collective progress, where individual aspirations are aligned with broader goals, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling existence.
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